Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hey Fatty....

Okay, my friend Ron & I last week were at a Komet Hockey game recently and the first person to count 20 people that were not overweight and over the age of 21 won a diet pop.

Sometimes you have to look at yourself in the mirror and "Man Up" or Woman Up" and get healthier. Here's some tips from the DLM Blog:

Dumb Little Man - tips for life

Link to Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life

How I Got Started on a Fitness Plan and Lost 70 Pounds

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 06:48 AM PDT

The hardest part about getting in shape is getting started. Yes it's a cliche, but it also happens to be absolutely true. Unfortunately, I spent years and years of my life wishing I could somehow lose weight and get fit. Guess what. It never happened.

I learned that I never took the time to get serious about my goals and figure out how I was going to get there. Weighing in at 234 lbs, I finally decided to get serious about fitness. I created a simple plan of eating less and exercising more. In the practical application of this, I learned a lot about the "do's" and "don'ts" of starting out with a fitness plan.

I hope these will help you on your quest.

Here is the "Do" column:
  • Keep Track of What You Eat
    I can't stress enough how helpful this has been for me in losing weight. Until I began keeping track of what was going into my body on a daily basis, I was pretty much on a free-for-all. Unknowingly, I was most likely consuming upwards of 1,000 calories more than what my body type required. Needless to say, I began packing on the weight pretty fast.

  • Start Making Easy Substitutions
    After you have begun keeping track of your daily intake, the next step is to start making some simple dietary substitutions toward healthier and lower calorie options. For example, if you usually have a Coke with your meals, choose water instead. If you normally take your coffee with plenty of cream and sugar, start drinking it black. I could go on and on here. The point is to get your calorie consumption down in simple, easy to manage substitutions. Don't worry about eating nothing but salads or some other super restrictive diet. The goal is to keep it simple and sustainable.

  • Add Some Form of Daily Exercise
    The simple math behind losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in. You burn calories every minute of everyday. Your body needs them to sustain its normal functions. Your body also burns calories through exercise. If you begin a simple routine of 30-60 minutes of extra activity everyday (or every other day if you'd like to start a little slower) you will be taking steps toward a sustainable physically active routine and burning off tons of calories.

  • Tell Someone
    When I was starting out, I totally neglected this piece of advice to my detriment. I was afraid that I would fail at losing any weight and didn't want others to know about my plans if I wasn't going to succeed. However, looking back, I could have really used the encouragement and support of others along the way. Sure, the fear of public failure is pretty motivating in and of itself, but more importantly, I would have greatly benefited from the encouragement of my friends and family. Don't be too prideful to ask for help or support. Getting in shape is important for everyone to do and there is no need for us to go it alone.

  • Set Attainable Goals
    When I first started losing weight, I knew that I had a long way to go. In fact, I've lost about 70 pounds from where I was this time two years ago. However, my initial goal wasn't to drop all that weight at once. I started by setting a target of 15 pounds. I had no idea how long it would take or if I would even make it. But after I lost my first 15 (using the tips above) I set my goal for another 15 pounds. I continued setting and achieving weight loss goals until I got to where I am today. If you have a lot to lose, or just a little, breaking it up into manageable chunks is much easier on you and will keep you from getting discouraged.
Now let's look at some of the Don'ts
  • Don't Overdo Exercise
    A common problem for many getting started in a regular fitness routine is overdoing their exercise too soon. You will burn yourself out and be left with little to no strength or motivation to continue. Take my advice above and begin slow by adding 30-60 minutes of moderate activity per day. This way you can build a base of physical activity that you can build on.

  • Don't Overly Restrict Your Calories
    Another common mistake for newcomers is to restrict their diet in extreme ways. If you are just starting out, don't force yourself into painful dieting habits. Start by making simple substitutions and resist the urge to eat next to nothing or skipping meals. These practices are dangerous and provide no sustainable results. If you are eating too few calories then your body will think it is starving. When your body enters this "starvation mode" it begins hoarding calories and it becomes much more difficult to lose any weight at all. As a general rule, I would never recommend anyone eat fewer than 1,500 calories a day, regardless of their body type (unless instructed by a physician).

  • Don't Criticize Yourself For Slip Ups
    When you are new at something, you are going to make mistakes. This is totally normal. If you have an "off day" every once in a while this is OK too. The important thing to remember is that you are taking steps to gradually get yourself into a better place physically. If you act like a drill sergeant and beat yourself up over every little slip up, the process is going to be long and painful. Relax. Breathe. Get back on the horse. Everyday is a new beginning for making better choices.

  • Don't Expect Huge Results Immediately
    Getting in shape is a process. You aren't going to notice any results, whether it's weight loss or muscle building, overnight. I suggest weighing yourself only once a week. Do this at the same time every week to get the most accurate results. If after a week or two, you don't notice any positive change, increase the intensity of your regimen slightly. It took me over a year to lose my weight. If I had expected it all to come off in a month I would have been sorely disappointed. Prepare your mind for a long war, not a quick battle.

  • Don't Buy In To Fads
    There is no magic bullet for getting healthy. No matter what you see on TV, getting in better shape takes work and discipline. I bought exactly zero supplements, pills, and marketed weight loss strategies. I didn't buy a single piece of exercise equipment other than a few weights and some running shoes. The only time-tested strategy for losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. For me, this took the form of eating less and exercising more. It's simple and it just works.

Written on 3/27/2009 by Brandon Morgado. Brandon is a self-professed fitness geek and blogs regularly at when he isn't running, playing Ultimate Frisbee or wasting his life away on Twitter.Photo Credit:

Fort Wayne Site-of-the-Day

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yes, the Small Stuff DOES Matter

I was dealing with this issue all week. From the DLM Blog:

Want To Stand Out At Work? Get The Small Stuff Right

Posted: 26 Mar 2009 09:16 AM PDT

Have you ever blown off a task at work because it just seemed too small or menial to bother with? Perhaps you figure it won't matter if a few little details slip - a couple of unanswered emails, maybe, or some rushed forms that are supposed to be filled in with painstaking care. Instead of filing papers according to your office guidelines, you just keep them in a heap in your in-tray - you don't think anyone's ever going to need them.

But getting the little things right - and doing an excellent job on small tasks - can really make a difference. After all, if your boss thinks you can't be trusted to get the little things right, are you likely to be given responsibility on anything else?

Here are four reasons why you want to take pride in getting small tasks right:
  1. Your Task Could Be Mission-Critical
    Even if something seems unimportant or insignificant to you, it might be a crucial cog in the machinery of your company - and getting that little task right can stop things from fouling up.

    This isn't a new idea; it's been around for centuries. Here's an old nursery rhyme illustrating the same point:

    For want of the nail the shoe was lost;
    For want of the shoe the horse was lost;
    For want of the horse the rider was lost;
    For want of the rider the battle was lost;
    For want of the battle the kingdom was lost;
    And all for the want of a horse shoe nail.

    Are you the person in your company losing the nail?

  2. The Way You Carry Out The Task Matters
    If the procedure you're supposed to use seems like a ridiculous amount of effort, ask your manager for the reasons behind it. There may be a perfectly good rationale about why you have to fill out a form in triplicate - perhaps it'll cause a lot of hassle for the QA team or the auditors if you don't.

    Alternatively, if there really does seem to be no point to the procedure, part of doing small tasks well is to get it changed! It'll make things easier both for you and your colleagues.

    Don't just assume that a complex procedure means your boss or manager is trying to be a pain. They don't want to waste your time on trivia - after all, they pay you!

  3. You're Showing Diligence and Reliability
    Taking care over little tasks really can impress a boss or manager. If you're the one in your team who always fills in forms right, always cheerfully volunteers to do the mailouts, and never has a stack of unfiled papers heaped around the desk - you'll be sending out great signals.

    Assuming that you want your boss to see you as organized, diligent and reliable, taking care with small jobs can only create a great impression.

    And even if you're not in a traditional employed job, the same applies. If you're a freelancer, then customers will be more likely to re-hire you if you deal with the little things as well as the big ones - for example, getting back to their emails promptly and professionally. To you, this might seem far less important than getting on with the logo design they've asked for, but to customers, it says they're being taken good care of.

    If you're a student, doing a good job on the minor aspects of your course - showing up to lectures, preparing for seminars, getting essays turned in on time and with any appropriate paperwork completed - can really help you shine in your tutor's mind when they come to write a reference for you!

  4. You Get Personal Satisfaction From a Job Done Well
    The final reason, and the most important to me, doesn't have anything to do with impressing your boss, colleagues or customers.

    It's simply this: you can take pride in knowing that you've taken care over a job and that you've done it to the best of your abilities.

    How do you feel about yourself when you know you've slacked off, ignored your responsibilities, and put in a half-assed effort? And how do you feel when you know you've done your utmost, even though the task was tedious or boring?

    Be proud that you're the sort of person who does things well - even when no-one else will ever know.
Do you think the small stuff matters? Or do you think we should let little things slide to focus on bigger projects at work?

Written on 3/26/2009 by Ali Hale. Ali is a professional writer and blogger, and a part-time postgraduate student of creative writing. If you need a hand with any sort of written project, drop her a line ( or check out her website at Aliventures.Photo Credit: herval

Fort Wayne Site-of-the-Day

Click here to find out with those letters stand for.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Video Time: Poking Fun at Twitter

Okay, if you are on Twitter and offended by this, either get a sense of humor or get a real life, which ever is most appropriate!

And don't share this with your non-Twitter friends.

Fort Wayne Site-of-the-Day

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wipe that off your face

from the DLM Blog:

How to Avoid Overreacting and Acting like a Juvenile

Posted: 24 Mar 2009 06:09 AM PDT

Have you ever reacted badly to what someone said or did? Perhaps you were being righteous, defensive, or merely wanted to make sure you corrected some erroneous facts. I'm sure you have, as have I.

Looking retrospectively, I've made plenty of social errors by saying or doing the wrong thing. Overreaction would be an understatement and I'm sure you can relate this to some situation in your life. The point isn't to dwell on these facts, but to learn from them and move forward to being a better person -- to mature.

By no means is this a complete list, as social interactions can occur in an infinite amount of configurations and possibilities. However, let's look at the general ways to take control of our thoughts so that we don't cram them into people's ears, don't make people wrong, don't use inappropriate force, and don't make people feel worse for crossing our paths.

10 Ways on the Path to Not Overreact
  1. Say Nothing
    I'm sure you've heard the expression, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." It's simple, safe, and priceless when it comes to avoiding saying the wrong thing to someone.

  2. Write it Down
    Instead of blurting out a comment or criticism, we can write it down, and revisit it in a day, and again in a week. This allows our emotions to cool and for a decision to be made based on logic.

  3. Cool Off
    Sometimes people get to us, especially the ones close to us who know our 'hot-buttons', which they press liberally and amply. Lashing out won't exactly bring the two of you closer, or make either of you feel better (not long-term better, anyway), so cool off and come back.

  4. Don't Correct
    When someone is wrong, is not always necessary to correct them, especially when it could cause them embarrassment or discomfort. In such situations, it's better to not say anything and let them save face, and not create tension.

  5. Uplift and Encourage
    Instead of pointing out the negative in what someone is saying or doing, strive to find the positive things about them. Uplift them by letting them know what you like or admire about the situation.

  6. Appreciate Them
    Someone might be wrong, mean, or totally unfriendly, but you don't have to base the way you're going to be, based on how they're being. Appreciate that some experiences made them the way they are, in the same manner as certain experiences shaped you, and appreciate them for it.

  7. What Would They Like?
    Ask yourself this question when formulating your response to someone. Instead of putting in your 2-cents, whether right or wrong, put in the answer that will bring a smile to their face. Today is too short to pass up any smile opportunities.

  8. Don't Judge
    Stop the machine in your head from trying to relate what people are saying to something you know to be true or not true, or evaluating their actions based on this subjective scale. Simply listen and be in the moment.

  9. Learn
    You don't know everything... right? Take this opportunity to learn from the people around you. Whether it's what they're saying, how they're saying it, how their body language or word choice enhances their message, and learn. Take what you like about them and make off with it like a spy!

  10. Life is a Game
    And, as such, we have to figure out the rules by which to win. An important one states that the more people we have that are friends, and think positively of us, the more chances for fulfillment and enjoyment we will have in our social interactions. Thus, be nice - win at life.
This list doesn't do justice to all the different ways that we can react in a positive way to people. I'm hoping that you'll be able to help by filling in some of the ways that you would react, without overreacting or coming off as a juvenile. See you in the comments below!

P.S. Don't send this list to people you think are overreacting. That would be in bad taste and would go against principles 4 and 8. Instead, you could say something like, "you know, I've had a big problem with overreacting, and this article showed me that I do x, y, and z. I recommend it so you can learn something about me."

Written on 3/24/2009 by Alex Shalman. Alex does for personal development what Chuck Norris does for the world, and he's got a very bad (to the bone) Podcast on self-improvement. Photo Credit: ckaroli

The 2nd Fort Wayne Tweet up

First of all, if you are wondering when the 2nd Fort Wayne Tweetup is happening... too late, you missed it. It was Tuesday night.

(By the way, the first one was attended by myself and 4 others who were unable to make this one.)

A few months ago, I met a young man, (I have a daughter his age), by the name of Andy who was there last night and was thoughtful enough to gather names of the Tweeple who were there. Then he sent me the list in the following email.

I'm sure there will be more of these, all we have to do is name a place and a time and send out the invitations and people will show up.

If you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, then stay tuned and I'll provide more info in the near future.


Good to see you ! Here's the list of people I have. Maybe we should start a new hash tag for this thing, rather than using two tags. What do you think about #tweetupfw?

Anyway, I'm going to tweet them and let them know that if they email me I'll email them this list. I think I'll put it in a spreadsheet, though, for easy following.

Derek Pillie @dpillie
Dager @business901
Scott Howard @scloho
Tom Carroll @carrollmkt
Brian Bobay @bobayweb <--This is not a valid username. Do you have the correct one?
Chad @chocmango <--Also not a valid username.
Brad Tyner @cubed3d
Beth @kueblerwolf
Kevin Mullett @kmullett
Healther Schoegler @hschoegler
Andrew Hoffman @bethelink
Jon Swerens @jonswerens
Andy Welfle @awelfle
Craig Crook @craigdcrook
Ella Johnson @ellajo08
Steve Pepple @stevepepple
Tommy Cutter @tommycutter
Chad Gramling @fwbaseball
??? @publr
Han @hanaban
Alec Johnson @catigator

Also, would you mention on your blog about Tweetup Badges. Here's the link. Here are some photos of them in action. If anyone wants any, they're only $2.50 each, and I could have them made and brought to the next meeting. Geeky, but fun. (-:

See you soon, I'm sure!

Fort Wayne Site-of-the-Day

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yep, EVERYONE is on Facebook.

Even my favorite dead president! Here's the link to where I got this:

Fort Wayne Site-of-the-Day

Monday, March 23, 2009

Video Time: 1 minute of Monkey Business

I think I've seen these guys driving through town!

Fort Wayne Site-of-the-Day

Sorry, but I can't provide you with a picture to go with this site, because it is CONSTANTLY changing! Just click here and see what you can see.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Video Time: Fishing?

Maybe if I tried it this way, I'd enjoy fishing:

The Cat Harness

Tuesday evening we bought a cat harness for our snarly cat that loves to be outside, but doesn't know boundaries. Click here for THAT story.

Last summer he would wander away and cross a very busy street and once he was gone for 3 days.

This year we decided to try a method of allowing him out, but keeping him on our property.

It looks like this will work as the following pictures show from yesterday, except the last picture which shows my hand after fighting with the snarly cat to get the harness on.

Fort Wayne Site-of-the-Day