First of all, if you are wondering when the 2nd Fort Wayne Tweetup is happening... too late, you missed it. It was Tuesday night.
(By the way, the first one was attended by myself and 4 others who were unable to make this one.)
A few months ago, I met a young man, (I have a daughter his age), by the name of Andy who was there last night and was thoughtful enough to gather names of the Tweeple who were there. Then he sent me the list in the following email.
I'm sure there will be more of these, all we have to do is name a place and a time and send out the invitations and people will show up.
If you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about, then stay tuned and I'll provide more info in the near future.
Good to see you ! Here's the list of people I have. Maybe we should start a new hash tag for this thing, rather than using two tags. What do you think about #tweetupfw?
Anyway, I'm going to tweet them and let them know that if they email me I'll email them this list. I think I'll put it in a spreadsheet, though, for easy following.
Derek Pillie @dpillieDager @business901
Scott Howard @scloho
Tom Carroll @carrollmkt
Brian Bobay @bobayweb <--This is not a valid username. Do you have the correct one?
Chad @chocmango <--Also not a valid username.
Brad Tyner @cubed3d
Beth @kueblerwolf
Kevin Mullett @kmullett
Healther Schoegler @hschoegler
Andrew Hoffman @bethelink
Jon Swerens @jonswerens
Andy Welfle @awelfle
Craig Crook @craigdcrook
Ella Johnson @ellajo08
Steve Pepple @stevepepple
Tommy Cutter @tommycutter
Chad Gramling @fwbaseball
??? @publr
??? @publr
Han @hanaban
Alec Johnson @catigator
Also, would you mention on your blog about Tweetup Badges. Here's the link. Here are some photos of them in action. If anyone wants any, they're only $2.50 each, and I could have them made and brought to the next meeting. Geeky, but fun. (-:
See you soon, I'm sure!
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