Friday, May 15, 2009

Don't Put That In Your Mouth

The saying goes, "You are what you eat", so let's find out what we are...

From the DLM Blog:

Have You Ever Tracked Your Meals? Here's Why You Should.

Posted: 11 May 2009 07:14 AM PDT

Food tracking is about as much fun as going to the dentist. But experts know that regularly tracking what you eat is one of, if not the best predictors of weight loss success.

Food tracking isn’t all about calories. In fact, I would argue that calorie tracking is less important than the timing, composition, emotions and location or your meal or snack.

Like any challenging activity (read regular exercise), constant reminders of the benefits are necessary to maintain the behavior. When you feel like giving up on your food tracking, revisit this list.
  1. It is proactive: Food tracking is the ‘adult in the room full of children’. Behavior automatically improves

  2. It is reactive: By reviewing your food records you can pin point ‘trouble spots’ and adjust your strategies accordingly

  3. You can eat more: Like any smart shoppers knows, bargain shopping allow you to purchase more items for any budget.

  4. Evidence: Phantom pounds that show up on the scale due to fluid shifts can be challenged with your food records and prevent ‘scale related’ breakdowns. As one of my clients stated, “The scale shows that I’m up a pound but that can’t be right. I’ve tracked my foods all week and there is no way I gained. It must be hormonal!'”

  5. It makes you feel good: Tracking isn’t much fun. Neither are most pieces of exercise equipment. But you feel great afterward, a sense of accomplishment, order, and pride. Change your view of tracking from a form of captivity, to a form of freedom. You will spend less time thinking about dieting and more time enjoying what you eat.
Finally, remember that food tracking is like studying for exams. How you study is up to you. Memo pads, daytimes, excel files, Google docs, and these printable templates will do just fine. Start by monitoring 3 or 4 days per week and work up from there. If you miss a meal, or a day don’t worry, pick up where you left off.

In a week or two, your eating habits and weight will begin falling into place and feeling better about your eating habits will start right away.

Written on 5/11/2009 by Drew Harvey. Drew is the clinic founder, director and author of The Diet Tired Blog. He is a professor of nutrition, physiology and behavior modification and a leading advocate of diet free weight loss..Photo Credit: pokpok313

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