Will President Obama keep his Blackberry? As the first President to embrace the internet in his personal life as well as public life, it appears that some type of compromise has been made that allows him to keep it for personal use. Texting is not something I like to use my phone for.
What about you? What about me? What forms of the internet revolution and social media are you using?
I invite you to stay in touch with me (and others) using the following:
My LinkedIn.com account: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scotthowardscloho
My Facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=582253729
My Twitter account: http://twitter.com/ScLoHo
My radio station contact: http://www.1029theriver.com/page.php?page_id=2651
My Collective Wisdom Marketing and Advertising Blog: http://sclohonet.blogspot.com/
My Not-So-Secret Writings of ScLoHo Blog ( A marketing and advertising resource): http://sclohonet-thebook.blogspot.com/
My Picture Blog: http://sclohopics.blogspot.com/
My Political Blog: http://scloho.wordpress.com/
My Home Page which has links to most of the above: http://www.scloho.net/
My Plaxo account, which I don't pay much attention to: http://scloho.myplaxo.com/
My MySpace account, which I don't pay much attention to either: http://www.myspace.com/scloho
And then there is this blog that you are reading right now, a personal blog that includes links to Fort Wayne, Indiana, Really?: http://scloho1.blogspot.com/
All of the blogs allow comments, and unless I am on vacation, I will check email daily.
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